Thursday, November 15, 2012

Then they're going to their wedding over there, too, where two cakes are better than one

Then. Than.
There. Their. They're.
To. Two. Too.

I don't understand the problem with these. I do see what's so funny about it when people DO have a problem with these, like above.

I'm back to a similar argument that I was making about puns. Why is there such word repetition and confusion in Standard American English?

I cannot help but make fun of someone that posts something like the picture above. (this is also another post from reddit, but I could've easily just pulled several screen shots off my own Facebook news feed and embarrassed one of my friends.

If it's a really close friend, I get out my grammar bat...
Even if it's not a close friend, sometimes I will comment on their post with the correct version of the word just so I'm making a point. I guess I am guilty of grammar vague-booking.

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